Created by Nature. Perfected by Nurture.
In 1864, Ploughman William Jones came to New Zealand, full of hope, in search of gold. Riches eluded him and he returned to his farming craft where he eventually purchased virgin land in Marlborough. Four generations of sons of the soil later and it’s clear that William did in fact strike gold after all; his Marlborough soil is producing liquid gold.
River Farm is fortunate to have family owned vineyards in both the Wairau and Awatere Valleys. Although both valley’s are located in Marlborough, they each have differences in soil and climate forming their own unique characteristic fruit flavors.
River Farm
Pinot Gris
90 Points/Best Buy,
Wine Enthusiast (’22)
An elegant wine with a finely concentrated palate displaying aromatic white and yellow stonefruits lifted by exotic florals, rose-petal elements and complex nutty and flinty nuances.
Bottle Shots
River Farm Logo (0.1 MiB)
River Farm Logo - Round (31 KiB)
Tech Sheets
Point of Sale
River Farm
Pinot Noir
Complex aromas of red and dark fruits complemented with savory, earthy notes and a hint of wild thyme. The palate is ripe with fruit richness and lively flavors of dark raspberries and plum backed with soft, seductive tannins and a lovely hint of pepper on the finish.
River Farm
Sauvignon Blanc
5 Stars
#1 NZ Sauvignon Blanc,
Cuisine Magazine (’22)
Beautifully lifted on the nose with gooseberry, makrut lime, apricot and lemon peel aromas. This leads to a delightfully flavorsome palate delivering excellent fruit intensity and vibrant acidity, making it instantly appealing.